Recorder Lessons

Whole Brain Teaching And Learning Through Music

Learning The Note Mi

Learning Note Re and Mi

Learning Note Do and Re

Turtle Dance (8 Beats)

The Hopscotch Dance (11 Beats)

Skunk in the bathroom (14 Beats)

Sailing On The Ocean (18 Beats)

Turkey Hunt (21 Beats)

Two Dogs Are Playing (Multiply by 2)

Let Us Chase The Squirrel Part 3. (Multiply by 2)

Incy Wincy Spider, Part 2. (Multiply by 3)

The Boatman Song Part 1. (Multiply by 4)

Five Eggs In A Basket (Multiply by 5)

How Many Miles To Babylon? Part 3. (Multiply by 5)

The Grand Old Duke Of N. Y. Part 2. (Multiply by 6)

Oats And Beans Part 1. (Multiply by 7)

The Eight Arms Snowflake (Multiply By 8)

Rocky Mountain Part 3. (Multiply by 8)

The Farmer In The Dell Part 2. (Multiply By 9)

Introducing The Half Note (Fraction)

Introducing The Equal Sign Part 2. (Fraction)

Introducing the Time Signature Part 3. (Fraction)

Introducing The Equal Sign Part 5 (Fraction)

Adding Musical Fractions In 3/4, Part 2.

Adding Musical Fractions In 4/4, Part 2.

Adding Musical Fractions In 5/4, Part 2.

Subtracting Musical Fractions In 3/4, Part 2.

Subtracting Musical Fractions In 4/4, Part 2.

Subtracting Musical Fractions In 5/4, Part 2.

Learning The Note Re

Learning The Note Do

Learning Note Mi and Do

Blue Rocket (9 Beats)

Bicycle Race (12 Beats)

Mouse in the cheese (16 Beats)

Red Apples In a Basket (19 Beats)

Ice Dance Skating

Let Us Chase The Squirrel Part 1. (Multiply by 2)

Three Balloons (Multiply by 3)

Incy Wincy Spider, Part 3. (Multiply by 3)

The Boatman Song Part 2. (Multiply by 4)

How Many Miles To Babylon? Part 1. (Multiply by 5)

Six Men Reach For The Sun (Multiply by 6)

The Grand Old Duke Of N. Y. Part 3. (Multiply by 6)

Oats And Beans Part 2. (Multiply by 7)

Rocky Mountain Part.1 (Multiply by 8)

Nine Leaves (Multiply by 9)

The Farmer In The Dell Part 3. (Multiply By 9)

Introducing The Quarter Note (Fraction)

Introducing the Time Signature Part 1. (Fraction)

Introducing the Eighth Note (Fraction)

Introducing The Time Signature Part 4. (Fraction)

Adding Musical Fractions In 3/4, Part 3.

Adding Musical Fractions In 4/4, Part 3.

Adding Musical Fractions In 5/4, Part 3.

Subtracting Musical Fractions In 3/4, Part 3.

Subtracting Musical Fractions In 4/4, Part 3.

Learning Note Mi and Re

Learning Note Re and Do

Learning Note Do and Mi

The Cat And The Moon (10 Beats)

Frog Jump (13 Beats)

Strawberry Ice Cream (17 Beats)

Alligator In the Pond (20 Beats)


Let Us Chase The Squirrel Part 2. (Multiply by 2)

Incy Wincy Spider, Part 1. (Multiply by 3)

The Four Colors (Multiply by 4)

The Boatman Song Part 3. (Multiply by 4)

How Many Miles To Babylon? Part 2. (Multiply by 5)

The Grand Old Duke Of N. Y. Part 1. (Multiply by 6)

Seven Little Chicks (Multiply by 7)

Oats And Beans Part 3. (Multiply by 7)

Rocky Mountain Part.2 (Multiply by 8)

The Farmer In The Dell Part 1. (Multiply By 9)

Introducing The Whole Note (Fraction)

Introducing the Equal Sign Part 1. ( Fraction)

Introducing the Time Signature Part 2. (Fraction)

Introducing The Equal Sign Part 4: (Fraction)

Adding Musical Fractions In 3/4, Part 1.

Adding Musical Fractions In 4/4, Part 1.

Adding Musical Fractions In 5/4, Part 1.

Subtracting Musical Fractions In 3/4, Part 1.

Subtracting Musical Fractions In 4/4, Part 1.

Subtracting Musical Fractions In 5/4, Part 1.